subroutine integrate_3d(runtype,n) use getm_timers, only: tic, toc, TIM_INTEGR3D #ifndef NO_BAROCLINIC use getm_timers, only: TIM_TEMPH, TIM_SALTH #endif IMPLICIT NONEINPUT PARAMETERS:
integer, intent(in) :: runtype,nINPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS:
This is a wrapper routine to call all 3D related subroutines. The call position for the coordinates routine depends on the compiler option MUDFLAT: If it is defined, then the call to coordinates construction is made such that drying and flooding is stable. If MUDFLAT is not defined, then the adaptive grids with Lagrangian component which are currently under development are supported. Both, drying and flooding and Lagrangian coordinates does not go together yet. The call sequence is as follows:
Several calls are only executed for certain compiler options. At each time step the call sequence for the horizontal momentum equations is changed in order to allow for higher order accuracy for the Coriolis rotation. LOCAL VARIABLES:
logical, save :: ufirst=.true.