subroutine start_macro()DESCRIPTION:
This routine needs to be called from m3d at the beginning of each macro time step. Here, the sea surface elevations at the before and after the macro time step are updated at the T-, U- and V-points.the sea surface elevations at the before and after the macro time step are updated at the T-, U- and V-points, their notation is sseo, ssen, ssuo, ssun, ssvo and ssvn, where e, u and v stand for T-, U- and V-point and o and n for old and new, respectively, see also the description of variables_3d in section 8.5 on page .
Furthermore, the vertically integrated transports Uint and Vint are here divided by the number of micro time steps per macro time step, M, in order to obtain the time-averaged transports.
use domain, only: imin,imax,jmin,jmax,H,HU,HV,min_depth use m2d, only: z,Uint,Vint use m3d, only: M use variables_3d, only: sseo,ssen,ssuo,ssun,ssvo,ssvn,Dn,Dun,Dvn use variables_3d, only: Uavg, Vavg use getm_timers, only: tic, toc, TIM_STARTMCR IMPLICIT NONEREVISION HISTORY:
Original author(s): Hans Burchard & Karsten BoldingLOCAL VARIABLES:
integer :: i,j REALTYPE :: split