subroutine coordinates(hotstart)DESCRIPTION:
Here, the vertical layer distribution in T-, U- and V-points is updated
during every macro time step. This is done for the old and the new
layer thicknesses at every point. Calculation of the layer distribution
in the U- and V-points is done indepently from the calculation in the
T-points, since different methods for the calculation of the
bathymetry values in the U- and V-points are possible, see routine
uv_depths described on page .
The different methods for the vertical layer distribution
are initialised and called to be chosen by the namelist paramter vert_cord:
vert_cord=1: sigma coordinates (section 8.5.5)
vert_cord=2: z-level (not coded yet)
vert_cord=3: general vertical coordinates (gvc, section 8.5.6)
vert_cord=5: adaptive vertical coordinates (section 8.5.7)
use domain, only: imin,imax,jmin,jmax,kmax,H #ifdef SLICE_MODEL use variables_3d, only: kvmin,hvo,hvn #endif use getm_timers, only: tic, toc,TIM_COORDS use m3d use domain, only: vert_cord IMPLICIT NONEINPUT PARAMETERS:
integer, intent(in) :: cord_type REALTYPE, intent(in) :: cord_relax REALTYPE, intent(in) :: maxdepth logical, intent(in) :: hotstartREVISION HISTORY:
Original author(s): Hans Burchard & Karsten BoldingLOCAL VARIABLES:
logical, save :: first=.true. integer :: ii integer :: preadapt=0 integer :: i,j,k