subroutine uv_depths(vel_depth_method)DESCRIPTION:
In this routine which is called once during the model initialisation, the bathymetry value in the U- and the V-points are calculated from the bathymetry values in the T-points. The interpolation depends on the value which is given to vel_depth_method:
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The calculation of is done accordingly.
The options 1 and 2 for vel_depth_method may help to stabilise calculations when drying and flooding is involved. USES:
use exceptions use domain, only: imin,imax,jmin,jmax,az,au,av,H,HU,HV use getm_timers, only: tic,toc,TIM_UVDEPTHS IMPLICIT NONEINPUT PARAMETERS:
integer, intent(in) :: vel_depth_methodREVISION HISTORY:
Original author(s): Hans Burchard & Karsten BoldingLOCAL VARIABLES:
integer :: i,j REALTYPE :: d_crit=2.0