As a preparation of the discretisation, the physical space
is vertically divided into layers. This is done by introducing
internal surfaces
which do not intersect,
each depending on the horizontal position
and time
define the local layer depths
The most simple layer distribution is given by the so-called
(see Phillips (1957) for a first application
in meteorology and Freeman et al. (1972) for a first application
in hydrodynamics) with
The -coordinates can also be refined towards the surface and the
such that -levels are obtained as follows:
(17) |
The grid is refined towards the surface for and refined towards
the bottom for
. When both,
are larger than zero,
then refinement towards surface and bed is obtained. For
-transformation (14) with
is retained.
Figure 1 shows four examples for vertical layer
distributions obtained with the
Due to the fact that all layer thicknesses are proportional to
the water depth,
the equidistant and also the non-equidistant -transformations,
(14) and (16),
have however one striking disadvantage. In order to
sufficiently resolve the mixed layer also in deep water, many
layers have to be located near the surface.
The same holds for the bottom boundary layer.
This problem of
-coordinates has been discussed by
several authors (see e.g. Deleersnijder and Ruddick (1992), de Kok (1992),
Gerdes (1993), Song and Haidvogel (1994),
Burchard and Petersen (1997)) who suggested methods
for generalised vertical coordinates not resulting in layer
thicknesses not proportional to the water depth.
The generalised vertical coordinate introduced here is a
generalisation of the so-called mixed-layer transformation
suggested by Burchard and Petersen (1997). It is a hybrid coordinate which
interpolates between the equidistant and the
non-equidistant -transformations given by
(14) and (16). The weight for the interpolation
depends on the ratio of a critical water depth
(below which
-coordinates are used) and the actual water depth:
For inserting in (19) and
in (16),
the mixed layer transformation of
Burchard and Petersen (1997) is retained, see the upper two
panels in figure 2.
Depending on the values for
, some near-surface layer thicknesses
will be constant in time and space, allowing for
a good vertical resolution in the surface mixed layer.
The same is obtained for the bottom with the following settings:
, see the lower two
panels in figure 2. This is recommended for reproducing
sedimentation dynamics and other benthic processes.
number of layers near the surface and near the bottom can be
fixed to constant thickness.
Intermediate states are obtained by intermediate settings,
see figure 3.
Some pathological
settings are also possible, such as
see figure 4.
The strong potential of the general vertical coordinates concept is the extendibility towards vertically adaptive grids. Since the layers may be redistributed after every baroclinic time step, one could adapt the coordinate distribution to the internal dynamics of the flow. One could for example concentrate more layers at vertical locations of high stratification and shear, or force certain layer interfaces towards certain isopycnals, or approximate Lagrangian vertical coordinates by minimising the vertical advection through layer interfaces. The advantages of this concept have recently been demonstrated for one-dimensional water columns by Burchard and Beckers (2004). The three-dimensional generalisation of this concept of adaptive grids for GETM is currently under development.