subroutine vmomentum(tausy,airp)DESCRIPTION:
Here, the vertically integrated -momentum equation (62) given
on page
including a
number of slow terms is calculated. One slight modification is that
for better stability of drying and flooding processes the slow friction
is now also multiplied with the parameter
in eq. (5).
Furthermore, the horizontal pressure gradient
modified in order to
support drying and flooding, see figure 10 on page
and the explanations in section 5.5.
is now also considering the atmospheric pressure
gradient at sea surface height.
For numerical stability reasons, the -momentum equation is here
discretised in time such that the
bed friction is treated explicitely:
with combining advection and diffusion of
, see routines
uv_advect (section 7.4.13 on page
) and uv_diffusion
(section 7.4.14 on page
). The slow terms
are calculated in the routine slow_terms documented in section
8.13.11 on page
In (93),
denotes the transport on the
new and
the transports on the old time level.
The Coriolis term for the subsequent
-momentum is also calculated
here, by directly interpolating the
-transports to the U-points
or by a method suggested by Espelid et al. (2000) which takes the
varying water depths into account.
Some provisions for proper behaviour of the -transports when
GETM runs as slice model are made as well, see section
3.2 on page
use parameters, only: g,rho_0 use domain, only: imin,imax,jmin,jmax use domain, only: H,au,av,min_depth,dry_v,Cori,coru #if defined(SPHERICAL) || defined(CURVILINEAR) use domain, only: dyv,arud1,dxx,dyc use m2d, only: U #else use domain, only: dy #endif use m2d, only: dtm use variables_2d, only: D,z,VEx,V,DV,fU,SlVx,Slrv,rv,fV,DU use getm_timers, only: tic, toc, TIM_MOMENTUMH use halo_zones, only : update_2d_halo,wait_halo,V_TAG IMPLICIT NONEINPUT PARAMETERS:
integer :: i,j REALTYPE :: zp,zm,zy,tausv,Slr,Vloc REALTYPE :: gamma=rho_0*g REALTYPE :: cord_curv=_ZERO_ REALTYPE :: gammai