subroutine read_restart_ncdf(runtype,loop,julianday,secondsofday,tstep)DESCRIPTION:
Reads from a NetCDF files (with handler ncid) opened with
open_restart_ncdf(). All variable id's are initialised. The variables
can be read from hotstart files with the same dimensions as given by
imin:imax,jmin:jmax - or - from a hotstart file with the same dimensions
as (and on the same grid). This allows to use 'ncmerge' to
combine a number of hotstart files in to one - make a new sub-domain
decomposition and use the newly created hotstart file. It might be
necessary to use 'ncks' to cut the file to be have the same dimensions
as Allowing for the file naming scheme in GETM links for each
sub-domain should be made - e.g. ln -s; ln -s etc.
Halo-zones are updated using calls to update_2d_halo() and
use netcdf use ncdf_restart use domain, only: iextr,jextr,ioff,joff use domain, only: az,au,av use halo_zones, only: update_2d_halo,update_3d_halo,wait_halo use halo_zones, only: H_TAG,U_TAG,V_TAG use variables_2d use exceptions, only: getm_error #ifndef NO_3D use variables_3d #ifdef GETM_BIO use bio, only: bio_calc use bio_var, only: numc use getm_bio, only: bio_init_method #endif #ifdef _FABM_ use getm_fabm, only: fabm_init_method use getm_fabm, only: fabm_pel,fabm_ben #endif #endif #ifdef SPM use suspended_matter #endif IMPLICIT NONEINPUT PARAMETERS:
integer, intent(in) :: runtypeOUTPUT PARAMETERS:
integer, intent(out) :: loop,julianday,secondsofday REALTYPE, intent(out) :: tstep !DEFINED PARAMTERS:REVISION HISTORY:
Original author(s): Karsten BoldingLOCAL VARIABLES:
integer :: il,ih,iloc,ilen,i,istart,istop integer :: jl,jh,jloc,jlen,j,jstart,jstop integer :: n