For the spatial discretisation, a staggered C-grid is used, see
Arakawa and Lamb (1977).
The grid consists of prism-shaped finite volumes with the
edges aligned with coordinates. The reference grid for the tracer
points (from now on denoted by T-points) is shown in figures
6 and 7. The velocity points are located such
that the corresponding velocity components are centralised on the
surfaces of the T-point reference box, the -velocity points (from now on
U-points) at the western and eastern surfaces, the
points (from now on V-points) at the southern and northern surfaces and the
points (from now on W-points) at the lower and upper surfaces.
The indexing is carried out with -indices
in eastern (
in northern (
-) direction and with
in upward (
-) direction, such that each grid point is identified
by a triple
. A T-point and the corresponding eastern U-point,
the northern V-point and the above W-point have always the same index,
see figures 6 and 7.
The different grid points cover the following index ranges:
On the T-points, all tracers such as
temperature , salinity
the general tracers
and the density are located. All turbulent
quantities such as eddy viscosity
and eddy diffusivity
are located on the W-points.
For curvilinear grids, several arrays for spatial
increments and
have to be defined:
The superscripts
in (47) indicate whether a
is centrered at a T-, U-, V-, or X-point, respectively.
For the locations of the corner points
see figure 8.