subroutine update_2d_bdy(loop,bdyramp)DESCRIPTION:
In this routine sea surface elevation boundary conditions are read in from a file, interpolated to the actual time step, and distributed to the open boundary grid boxes. Only for a special test case (SYLT_TEST), ascii data reading is supported. For a few special simple cases, analytical calculation of boundary elevations is supported. The generic way is reading in boundary data from a netcdf file, which is managed in get_2d_bdy via get_2d_bdy_ncdf. USES:
use domain, only: NWB,NNB,NEB,NSB,H,min_depth,imin,imax,jmin,jmax,az use domain, only: wi,wfj,wlj,nj,nfi,nli,ei,efj,elj,sj,sfi,sli use domain, only: bdy_index,nsbv use domain, only: bdy_2d_type use m2d, only: dtm,bdyfmt_2d,bdy_data,bdy_data_u,bdy_data_v use variables_2d, only: z,D,U,DU,V,DV #if defined(SPHERICAL) || defined(CURVILINEAR) use domain, only: dxc,dyc #else use domain, only: dx,dy #endif IMPLICIT NONEINPUT PARAMETERS:
integer, intent(in) :: loop,bdyrampREVISION HISTORY:
Original author(s): Karsten Bolding & Hans BurchardLOCAL VARIABLES:
logical, save :: first=.true. REALTYPE, save :: time_array(1000),zbo(1000),zbn(1000) REALTYPE, save :: t,t1,t2 REALTYPE :: a,ratio,fac integer :: i,j,k,l,n REALTYPE, parameter :: FOUR=4.*_ONE_