subroutine momentum(n,tausx,tausy,airp)DESCRIPTION:
This small routine calls the -equation and the
-equation in an
alternating sequence (UVVUUVVUUVVU), in order to provide higher
accuracy and energy conservation for the explicit numerical treatment
of the Coriolis term.
use domain, only: imin,imax,jmin,jmax ! For timer here: Only clock what is not taken at "next" level. use getm_timers, only: tic, toc, TIM_MOMENTUM IMPLICIT NONEINPUT PARAMETERS:
integer, intent(in) :: n REALTYPE, intent(in) :: tausx(E2DFIELD) REALTYPE, intent(in) :: tausy(E2DFIELD) REALTYPE, intent(in) :: airp(E2DFIELD)REVISION HISTORY:
Original author(s): Hans Burchard & Karsten BoldingLOCAL VARIABLES:
logical :: ufirst=.false.