subroutine init_2d(runtype,timestep,hotstart) IMPLICIT NONEINPUT PARAMETERS:
integer, intent(in) :: runtype REALTYPE, intent(in) :: timestep logical, intent(in) :: hotstartINPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS:
Here, the m2d namelist is read from getm.inp, and the check for the fulfilment of the CFL criterium for shallow water theory cfl_check is called. A major part of this subroutine deals then with the setting of local bathymetry values and initial surface elevations in - and -points, also by calls to the subroutines uv_depths and depth_update. LOCAL VARIABLES:
integer :: rc integer :: i,j integer :: elev_method=1 REALTYPE :: elev_const=_ZERO_ character(LEN = PATH_MAX) :: elev_file='' namelist /m2d/ & elev_method,elev_const,elev_file, & MM,vel2d_adv_split,vel2d_adv_hor, & Am,An_method,An_const,An_file,residual, & sealevel_check,bdy2d,bdyfmt_2d,bdy2d_ramp,bdyfile_2d