subroutine save_grid_ncdf(ncid,save3d)DESCRIPTION:
This routine saves netCDF variables in an already existing netCDF file in save mode with netCDF file-id "ncid". The variables saved correspond to those GETM variables not changing in time, i.e. grid related variables and bathymetry. If the logical flag "save3d" evaluates false, no information about the vertical grid is saved (e.g. if results from a horizontally integrated run are stored). USES:
use exceptions use netcdf use grid_ncdf use domain, only: imin,imax,jmin,jmax use domain, only: grid_type,vert_cord use domain, only: have_lonlat,have_xy use domain, only: ioff,joff use domain, only: dx,dy use domain, only: dlon,dlat use domain, only: xcord,ycord use domain, only: xxcord,yxcord use domain, only: xc,yc use domain, only: xx,yx use domain, only: latc,lonc,convc use domain, only: latx,lonx,convx use domain, only: latu,latv use domain, only: dxc,dyc,dxu,dyu,dxv,dyv,dxx,dyx KB use domain, only: rearth use domain, only: H,ga use domain, only: az,au,av use output, only: save_metrics,save_masks IMPLICIT NONEINPUT PARAMETERS:
integer, intent(in) :: ncid logical, intent(in) :: save3dREVISION HISTORY:
Original author(s): Lars UmlaufLOCAL VARIABLES:
integer :: i,j integer :: status integer :: start(2),edges(2) integer :: id character(32) :: zname REALTYPE :: ws(E2DFIELD)