module ncdf_topoDESCRIPTION:
This module reads the bathymetry and grid information required by the
module . The file format is NetCDF and data are read from
the file specified as an paramater
. For a
full description of the required variables see the documention for
domain. The specific readings are guided by
use netcdf use exceptions use domain, only : have_lonlat,have_xy use domain, only : iextr,jextr,ioff,joff use domain, only : imin,imax,jmin,jmax use domain, only : il,ih,jl,jh use domain, only : ilg,ihg,jlg,jhg use domain, only : ill,ihl,jll,jhl use domain, only : H, Hland use domain, only : grid_type use domain, only : xcord,ycord use domain, only : xxcord,yxcord use domain, only : dx,dy use domain, only : xc,yc use domain, only : xx,yx use domain, only : dlon,dlat use domain, only : latc,lonc use domain, only : latx,lonx use domain, only : convx,convc use domain, only : z0_method,z0 IMPLICIT NONEPUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS:
public ncdf_read_topo_fileDEFINED PARAMETERS:
REALTYPE, parameter :: missing_double =-999. REALTYPE, parameter :: rearth_default = 6378815REVISION HISTORY:
Original author(s): Lars Umlauf (adapted from an earlier version of Karsten Bolding and Hans Burchard)LOCAL VARIABLES:
private ncdf_read_2d