subroutine open_meteo_file(meteo_file) IMPLICIT NONEDESCRIPTION:
Instead of specifying the name of the meteorological file directly - a list of names can be specified in meteo_file. The rationale for this approach is that output from operational meteorological models are of typically 2-5 days length. Collecting a number of these files allows for longer model integrations without have to reformat the data. It is assumed that the different files contains the same variables and that they are of the same shape. INPUT PARAMETERS:
character(len=*), intent(in) :: meteo_fileREVISION HISTORY:
See module for log.LOCAL VARIABLES:
integer, parameter :: iunit=55 character(len=256) :: fn,time_units integer :: junit,sunit,j1,s1,j2,s2 integer :: n,err,idum logical :: first=.true. logical :: found=.false.,first_open=.true. integer, save :: lon_id=-1,lat_id=-1,time_id=-1,id=-1 integer, save :: time_var_id=-1 character(len=256) :: dimname logical :: have_southpole character(len=19) :: str1,str2