subroutine rho_from_theta(s,th,p,dens0,densp)DESCRIPTION:
Here, the equation of state is calculated Uses Jackett ea 2006 algorithm specific for potential temperature Checkvalue S=35 T=25 p=10000 rho_from_theta = 1062.53817
s : salinity (psu) th : potential temperature (deg C, ITS-90) p : gauge pressure (dbar) (absolute pressure - 10.1325 dbar)
rho_from_theta : in-situ density (kg m)
check value : rho_from_theta(20,20,1000) = 1017.728868019642
based on DRJ on 10/12/03 USES:
REALTYPE, intent(in) :: th ! potential temperature degC REALTYPE, intent(in) :: s ! in situ salinity PSU REALTYPE, intent(in) :: p ! pressure in dbarsOUTPUT PARAMETERS:
REALTYPE, intent(out) :: dens0 ! density at 0.0 dbars REALTYPE, intent(out) :: densp ! density at p dbarsREVISION HISTORY:
AS 2009 based on code provided by Jackett 2005 See the log for the module !LOCAL VARIABLES REALTYPE th2,sqrts,anum,aden,pth