subroutine init_temperature()DESCRIPTION:
Here, the temperature equation is initialised. First, the namelist temp is read from getm.inp. Then, depending on the temp_method, the temperature field is read from a hotstart file (temp_method=0), initialised with a constant value (temp_method=1), initialised and interpolated with horizontally homogeneous temperature from a given temperature profile (temp_method=2), or read in and interpolated from a 3D netCDF field (temp_method=3). Finally, a number of sanity checks are performed for the chosen temperature advection schemes. USES:
use advection, only: J7 use advection_3d, only: print_adv_settings_3d IMPLICIT NONELOCAL VARIABLES:
integer :: k,i,j,n integer :: status namelist /temp/ & temp_method,temp_const,temp_file, & temp_format,temp_name,temp_field_no, & temp_adv_split,temp_adv_hor,temp_adv_ver,temp_AH, & attenuation_method,attenuation_file,jerlov, & A_const,g1_const,g2_const, & swr_bot_refl_frac, swr_min_bot_frac, & temp_check,min_temp,max_temp